Monday, June 9, 2014

Eula - Minecraft Server Changes

EULA of Minecraft appears to be changing and with it, the whole of Minecraft...

The video above is BeBopVox, and he does a good job of explaining somethings...

First of all what is the "EULA", it is the end user license agreement... this is what we agree to, to play the game...

it started out 2011 that it said we could even sell plugins that we created for money, 1 year later it was the direct other side... saying we can't...

2011 gameplay features were not in the EULA but as of late, the EULA is being changed to deny any selling of gameplay features, and thus taking the money away from server owners / coders, and by taking away that money, its taking away games...

although Mojang has stated that they do want servers to be able to make money, they don't want servers to sell perks of any sort, although there is a foggy area of which we don't know much about yet, we hope that Mojang can figure out a way to keep Minecraft servers up and running...

If we were to take out all "perks" that players pay for, and not have a replacement servers will be shut down / Downgraded, what do you think? how should we deal with this?

Join my Minecraft server to talk about it, or leave a comment down below!

Disclaimer: This blog owns nothing about Minecraft or Mojang... we are simply giving our take of what they are doing!

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